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Remixing Studio

1) Deaf / Hard Of Hearing client’s audiogram is scanned into the database.

2) The client listens to a master recording of a sample song. 

3) Audio engineer remixes the sample song to the client’s auditory and vocal preferences, creating a MUSIC SIGNATURE.

4) The disAPPility database stores the Music Signature specifications and remixed recordings.

BONUS: The client observes their remixed song being recorded. You can’t beat the cool factor when the mixing board comes alive. The sound engineer performs a technical comparison of the master and remixed recordings. The client receives a copy of the remixed recording.

*In return for musicians recording their songs and compositions at reduced rates, the disAPPility Studio retains a copy of the master recordings. Master recordings are strictly limited to Music Signature usage.

· Music Signature software removes / adds the musical components – instruments, vocals, equipment – that comprise a song / composition. Deaf & Hard of Hearing clients will HEAR the components separately, and / or together, to increase their musical comprehension.

Music Signature 1.0 adds MUSIC VISUALIZER, enabling clients to HEAR + SEE how music is constructed, augmenting their musical comprehension.

Music Signature 2.0 enables clients to add supplementary musical + visual components to their remix, optimizing the client’s musical comprehension.

*Music Signature software monitors clients progress. The disAPPility database prioritizes development of disAPPility technologies.

Listening Studio

The disAPPility Studio’s SOUNDPROOF rooms & booths, are free of environmental / induction loop / bluetooth distortion. The Listening Studio enables clients to HEAR / LISTEN without distraction, to their favorite songs tuned to their Music Signatures.

The clients will HEAR the subtle / intricate differences between the master recording and their remixed recording. The clients will be exposed to numerous unfamiliar sounds, increasing their musical comprehension.

*The disAPPility Music Library must have a copy of the master recording to enable Music Signature tuning.